Frikin awsome
it was that good that i wont watch it again cuz as a guy i dnt think i am supposed to feel emotion like tht over a cartoon .... but seriously amazing dude
Frikin awsome
it was that good that i wont watch it again cuz as a guy i dnt think i am supposed to feel emotion like tht over a cartoon .... but seriously amazing dude
it was cool
well what to say animation was cool i myslef still try to think of ways to duplicate some peoples efx and i gtta say urs had me thinking .... one thing i gtta say tho ...sum peeps mikes were all like mufled n stuff so kinda ruined some parts plus (they wasnt very inthusastic about it) but ermm yeh fight scene was cool should like to see the next one good work.
Voices wer taken via xbl so quality is real sucky
I diagree
I think it was alot like little foot yes !?! but that to me is a good thing graphicly it was the same more or less but the story's different ,the characteris fine and the noises?...... ermm lets just say step back from the mike a little bit and they would be fine overall awsome .. thats why its front page dude .
p.s was this movie made using flash 8 pro ?
Yes i used pro 8, began it with a mouse and then moved on to a wacom tablet,
10 hours
it was like cool at the start and gets u going but then it dissapoints i though the graphics were cool especialy guy with the tv head idea was cool ... but it was like 10 frikken hours long ! it started to bore me alot becuase i think it was a lil to long wind'ed but dnt worry i gave it a fare score
Hi My name is Ryan and i am the guy behind all RKL stuff on this site.
Age 32, Male
Work at Home
Joined on 6/22/07